Why Gap

I’ve been asked by numerous people why I want to study abroad and why I want to take a gap year. I have my answers for these questions, and it really wasn’t a difficult decision for me. That being said, studying abroad isn’t for everyone and you should follow your instinct on whether or not it would be good for you.

 I have traveled extensively domestically and some internationally. Recently I spent a week and a half in Japan staying with a host family near Tokyo through my local sister city organisation. It was a great experience, and I learned so much about myself and Japan in just that week. So who knows how much I can learn in Germany in a whole year. This really helped me to know that I wanted to study abroad. When asked why I want to study abroad, I could go on and on with great reasons for going. By studying abroad I can learn a new language by immersion (the best way), immerse my self in a new culture, make life-long friends, widen my view on the world, and learn a lot about myself. Not to mention, it affords a great opportunity to travel. Learning a language by immersion is proven to be a fast and effective way to learn a new language. Even though I have no German language experience, I expect to be proficient in oral German by the end of my year. There is no better way to learn about a culture than being dumped into it head first. Former CBYX students have said they have made great friends, with their host family and with people they meet in their community and at school. Through the gap year I also expect to learn a lot about what Germans are all about as well as understanding who I am as an American. Last but not least is the travel. Germany is in the center of Europe and offers great opportunities to visit surrounding countries. I have already found out that I am going on a cruise to Spain and Morocco in the fall with my host family, and I hope to visit a good deal of Germany as well.

Taking a gap year is really more dependent on the person in my opinion. For me the main reasons were that I am young and honestly a little burned out. I graduated at 17 and won’t turn 18 until I am in Germany. During high school, I did a bunch of stuff. I played basketball and soccer, was the class president, and really tried to make good grades. After all that work, I didn’t know if I could go straight into college and be as successful as I want to be. Not to mention, you don’t have many chances to spend a year in another country many other times. A bunch of adults have told me they wished they had done this when they were young. I’m pretty sure I’ll be glad I did it too. Colleges love gap year students as well, many schools even encourage their accepted students to defer and take a gap year. Colleges feel that gap year students are more focused as well as being able to bring more to the classroom. A friend of mine was accepted to Princeton where they not only encouraged the gap year but provided her with the opportunity to take one. Next year she will be working and studying in Peru. More about the gap year and the advantages to it can be found on this site along with links to expert opinions about gap years.


More to come on my host family. Until next time

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